bullying, misbehavior

What is Bystander Mobilization?

  Bullying and harassment among children and teens have become a hot-button issue in contemporary society as a rash of suicides have swept the country. The victims may feel like they have nowhere to turn and act out by harming themselves. In response to this crisis, an emerging practice that…Read More

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bullying, misbehavior

Bullying and depression

Bullying and depression often go hand in hand for both the victims as well as the bullies. People who experience cyber bullying are at an even greater risk of developing clinical depression. Fortunately, there are ways that parents can take action by being attentive to the warning signs and helping…Read More

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child safety, focus

Managing ADHD in your child

So you’ve just found out that your child has Attention Defect Hyperactivity Disorder and you are worried about what lies ahead for you and your child. Below are a few things that every parent with children diagnosed with ADHD should know.   It can be managed Although there is no…Read More

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